Rod Wrapper
This rod wrapper is the easiest, most user-friendly rod
wrapper I’ve ever used. This machine is fast and more
fun than you can imagine. It’s wide open design gives
lots of hand room when you’re starting or finishing
Wraps. With your rod resting in the cradles, the wheel rotates around your rod at the rate of two
wraps per second. The wraps are strait, clean and tight. After starting your wrap, crank the wheel and that’s all there is to it. If you’re a serious hobbyist or a professional rod builder, and would like to spend less, (a lot less) time wrapping rods your going to want this tool. If you bolt the crank wheel
On the opposite side the machine it will then be set up for those that are left handed.
Price $395.00 Plus $ 35.00 Shipping
For more information call (559) 587-9655 or email
Shop address 1548 Mary St. Hanford Ca, 93230
A demonstration video of this rod wrapper is available on